Tuesday, 12 May 2009
game designer - Josh, Damon, Sarah
level designer - Damon
artist - Damon
programmer - Damon
basic programming - Josh
sound - Josh
producer - Josh, Sarah
project manager - Sarah
quality testing - Sarah
And of course thanks to Andrew for his help designing the ship, developing ideas and scriptwriting.
Friday, 8 May 2009
I shared ideas, created questionnare upload documents including design doument and presentation. Ensure that each of the different stages were finished on time and said what i think worked and didnt work.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Monday, 9 March 2009
Questionnaire upload
Thursday, 5 March 2009
May hand the bare bones to Damon for some expert colouring, discussion of that today.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
narrative and script ideas
The Tale of Pirate Bay
Cap'n Kazam's/crossbone's stockpiled loot on his favoured island, craggy peak has been looted by hoards of inferior pirates.
Finding a new island, Skull Mountain, Cap'n Kazam is eager to recapture his loot and give those pesky pirates a damned good thrashing!
Help the cap'n search and destroy those that befouled him and take his loot back to Skull Mountain's Pirate Bay.
Script Ideas
Crew: arrrr, we will 'elp the cap'n take his loot back to Pirate Bay.
Cap'n Kazam: damn ye/ arrrrr , me treasure has been looted
Cap'n Kazam: Damn ye, ye yellow-bellied sapsuckers! I'm a better man than all ye milksops put together!.
I’m developing more lines with my flatmate (the one who's doing the 'acting') but please have a go at writing some stuff too......
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Questionnaire and ideas for the map
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Coding practise
As we're about to get into coding, we'll eventually be handing over and swapping flash files.
It's super, SUPER important to name these correctly and from my experience last year, I suggest we do this.
Let's have stages, so this first stage of coding will be called (for eg: shipstage1.1 - backgroundstage1.1 - backgroundstage1.2 etc...)
When we all agree we can level up to the next stage of production until we get to the final game file.
Believe me, it will all make SO MUCH SENSE in 2 months time!!!!
See you all soon,
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Stolen Code (from Tiki Racer)
function lastFrame(){
if(this.voodoomask_mc._currentframe == 6){
voodoogod_mc.onEnterFrame = null;
this.voodoomask_mc.armspear_mc.spear_mc._alpha = 0;
var myPoint2:Object = new Object();
myPoint2.x = voodoogod_mc.voodoomask_mc.spearpoint_mc._x;
myPoint2.y = voodoogod_mc.voodoomask_mc.spearpoint_mc._y;
vgravity =0.4;
vb =0.03;
vdx = 9;
vdy = -4;
function makeSpear(thex,they){
theClip = _root.attachMovie("spear2","spear2_mc",voodoodepth+1);
retreatId = setInterval(retreat,1000);
function spearMove(){
vdy += vgravity;
this._x += vdx;
this._y += vdy;
this._rotation +=4;
soundMachine1.attachSound("Coreyjerrhelm Scream2.mp3");
this.onEnterFrame = null;
health_mc.gotoAndStop(health_mc._currentframe + arrowdamage);
if(this._y > 430){
this.onEnterFrame = null;
function retreat(){
voodoogod_mc.onEnterFrame = voodooRetreat;
function voodooRetreat(){
this._x -= 5;
if (this._x < -80){
voodooId = setInterval(createVoodoo,voodoofreq);
And also:
function lobCoconut(){
var myPoint:Object = new Object();
myPoint.x = ropeswing_mc.monkey_mc.sArm_mc.coconut_mc._x;
myPoint.y = ropeswing_mc.monkey_mc.sArm_mc.coconut_mc._y
/*trace("x: "+ myPoint.x);
trace("y: "+ myPoint.y);*/
/*trace("after x: "+ myPoint.x);
trace("after y: "+ myPoint.y);*/
gravity =0.4;
b =0.05;
dx = -2;
dy = -0.02;
function coconutMove(){
dy += gravity;
this._x += dx;
this._y += dy;
theClip = _root.attachMovie("coconutcrack","coconutcrack"+coconutDepth,coconutDepth+1);
theClip._x = this._x;
theClip._y = this._y;
gravity3 =0.9;
b3 =0.05;
dx3 = -2;
dy3 = -9;
theClip.onEnterFrame = crackMove;
this.onEnterFrame = null;
health_mc.gotoAndStop(health_mc._currentframe + cocodamage);
Time Lapse Vid of Art in the Making.

It's a great vid and although it's not pirate related, it's great to see how this guy actually draws in Flash or Illustrator (I'm not sure which).
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Progress Update
The Story
That way you could tally up gold and food and booze to perhaps bury on an island.
So, simialr idea just back to front.
We all need to meet up and have a chin wag and make some decisions.
Josh, crack that whip! ;-)
Monday, 16 February 2009
Story board etc...
With the story boards I suggest we each work on one and bring it in. We can then decide what to keep and what to take out. What do you guys think?
Anyhoo, I'll be at home if anyone needs me.
I'm not lost!
I've not forgotten ye, I'm swashbuckling down with my kitchen floorboards. Once that's done I'm up for a bit of ye old dog scenting!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
PowerPoint Presentation

How to talk like a pirate...
characteristics commonly associated with a stereotypical pirate in popular culture, such as a parrot, peg leg, hook, cutlass, bicorne hat, Jolly Roger, Royal Navy jacket, bad teeth, maniacal grin, earrings, beard, and eye patch.
Monday, 9 February 2009
been reading about pirates on wikipedia, the page on blackbeard is pretty cool
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Moving Images Art Work
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Friday, 6 February 2009
to make the gameplay more varied we could place the enemies on islands aswell as ships. the island landscape (hills and buildings) could be used to make the enemies harder to hit. Also, conquering the island and receiving treasure (a choice of upgrades) would be a reward for the user.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Monday, 2 February 2009
Tiki Racer (game from last year)

Hey guys!
I've found our blog from last year and lo and behold, I actually put the game online too!
Have a looksee at Tiki Racer.
You can see by the blog how things changed and transmogrified into what could have been a great game. Obviously it's not finished, I didn't have time as I was the only one working on it at the later stages (Rich decided to leave, Michael was no-where to be found).
Still, it's all good to look back on and LEARN!!!
Also, I've had some ideas on the Pirate game theme. I'll do some sketches later tonight but the game could be between the pirate ship (which has a cannon you can change the trajectory with using your mouse) vs various other types of boats / ships. The first boat could be, oh I dunno, say a chinese junk boat which you have to sink in order to get to the next level, that level being a little more difficult with a bigger boat with a small amount of artillery. This could go up until you have a vicious battle with another pirate ship as the climax!!! Hmmmmm (strokes beard), could be a good thing and enjoyable to play.
Just an idea!
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Ooh, Arrr!
It would be colourful, exciting and could be quite 'nifty'.
I had a look at the games below and I gotta say I didn't like any of them much. Either they were far too involved for there own good, making little ol' me lose interest almost straight away or the 'cleverness' of them made them almost unplayable.
Out of the below games I think I like 'Fancy Pants' and the Ninja game the most. I liked the look and feel of Ninja but the controls didn't do it for me.
Another site is not doppler which updates with new games every Thursday.

We could take the basic look of this game and use it for the Pirate Game (if we decide on Pirates that is) and make it colourful, fun and quirky.
I've got some ideas about the Pirate game but I think it's best if we meet up at some point to discuss any ideas that come to the table.
I'm going to be out of action this week as I have an operation on Tuesday morning (think of me won't ya). I'll be in contact though. Perhaps we could meet at my flat during the week? I'll make you coffee and stuff OR there is a cute little pub on the corner which could be good.
Friday, 30 January 2009
Sorry didn't see the idea of a pirate game.
Week 1 ideas
Thursday, 29 January 2009
week 1 - ideas
Flow was originally a flash game but is now out on ps3. Think its great the way you get bigger as the game goes on and really like the mechanics. Maybe we could use these elements in our game.
Found a version of 'apple catch' with much better gameplay and graphics rock rock gem
Andrew and I were talking about doing a pirate game, think its a great idea and will be trying out a few tonight.